Thursday, February 08, 2007

School Green Spaces Beautified

Through the MS Master Gardener's Association
Note to Operation Rejuvenation Contributors: Two projects have been approved and are now in progress:
1) Three schools in Hancock County are having their green spaces and breeze ways redone - $1500 approved for plant materials which will be planted by Master Gardener volunteers.
2) Harrison County Office Building to revitalize the flower beds, container beds and establish two herb beds for an outdoor demonstration laboratory. This highly visible area in downtown Gulfport will be done in two stages - $1500 approved for this project.
Pictures from these projects are posted on the Operation Rejuvenation Projects on the Photos link, showing what is being accomplished. Application for other projects are in the process of being approved and other work that will be part of the October, 2007 designated work period are being selected and prioritized for needed material, equipment, and workers needed to accomplish.
It is beginning to happen.....thanks to all for your help.

To apply with a planned project:
Make Project Application Forms and requirements available (Click here for Application form and requirement (PDF)). Will start accepting applications from August 14, 2006. A review committee will assess each project and approve funding, based on number of applications and available funds. As additional funds come in, additional approved projects will continue to be supported.
Each project must submit a report at one month and six months, including documentation of work, impact and cost.

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